Monday, May 26, 2008


here's my new hook idea:
"cuz you're not who you say you are, no you're not who you say you are, you said you're not who you say you are, no you're not who you say you are."
that would be repeated over and over on top of this beat: boom chick ba-boom boom chick chick but sort of toned down, kinda like how the drums on the jenny lewis record sound and a nice little piano lick laid in there somewhere. you should work on that.
my new favorite lyric for the moment is "are you what church people mean by the good news?" from Why?'s tune 'Simeon's Dilemma'
i kinda want to see 'Get Smart'. here's why: A) i still think think steve carrel is pretty funny and B) i've never seen a movie with the rock in it that i didn't totally love ("the rundown" anyone?)
t-minus 5 days until i get "carried away"

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